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How To Call Cougars

Calling cougars is not quite as simple as it sounds. Once you get the pattern down it feels pretty straight forward, but it takes years of trial and error to get it dialed in. My calls, combined with my method, will greatly improve your luck.


First of the difference between my calls and everything else on the market is they are full-length sets with built in pauses and pace fluctuations. They are made to be played non-stop for the entire set so that you're not distracted by the controller. In fact, you don't even have to be within range of the controller. This allows you to set up further away so that you can see incoming cougars better, and they can see you less.


First step is you need to call in good habitat. If you're familiar with the area you can probably locate good habitat by looking on google earth or driving around until you see something you like. If you're new to cougar hunting it is a good idea to wait for snow and drive as many roads as possible to see where the are concentrations of cougar tracks. Another method that can work if you don't have snow is to use game cameras.


Cougars have very large territories so it will likely take several attempts to even have a cougar hear your call. If you can find fresh tracks in the snow, definitely don't pass up this opportunity to call. you can follow the tracks and find a good place to call, or circle around to where you think the track may be heading. If you do not have fresh tracks this is called "Cold Calling". When cold calling you have more freedom to call the very best habitat and pick the best call set locations. Depending on your specific circumstances it may be all you can do to get out and do one call set before returning to your resposibilities. If you can I think it is more productive to set aside a full day or more to make a string of call sets trough an area to systematically find the cougar that lives there. The good thing is that cougars are very curious and generally do come in when they here your call. The next step is setting up the call in a way that ensures you will see and kill the cougar when it comes in.


Keys to a good call set.

  • Maximize effective range of your call. Think about how sound travels and take advantage of this. Call on calm days with little to no wind. Call in canyons of valleys that your call can echo through. Place your caller in the open, not in dense timber.

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  • Make sure you see incoming cougars. Place your caller in a topographic depression to force the cat all the way in before it can see where the call is coming from. This prevents them from hanging up hundreds of yards away and you never seeing them. Make sure there isn’t too much vegetation around the call set, or any topographic contours that will allow a cougar to come in without you seeing it. One way to do this is to set the caller across a draw or canyon around 200-300 yards away. This gives you a great vantage point.

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  • Don’t get spotted by cougars. If you are sitting close to the caller, choose your location very carefully so the cougar doesn’t come up behind you. That said, the further away form the caller, the better. My calls are made to be played continuously so don't hesitate to set up beyond the range of your remote control. Just push play and walk away. This allows you to relax more, to focus on spotting cougars, or even brew some coffee while you wait.

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  • Don’t rush your shot. When you're calling you have control of the situation. Don’t get excited ruin this opportunity to observe this amazing animal and to take it home with you. The cat has already committed to your call so you have time. Wait for the perfect shot.

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